Get Payment IDs

Get a list of payments made with our buttons or the Create Payment API.


If at all possible you should use the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) system to receive notifications about payments instead of using this polled interface. Example responses aren't provided for this reason.

API POST Fields (in addition to the Main Fields described in the Introduction)

Field NameDescriptionRequired?
Get Payment IDs
limitThe maximum number of payment IDs to return from 1-100. (default: 25)No
startWhat payment # to start from (for iteration/pagination.) (default: 0, starts with your newest payments.)No
newerReturn payments started at the given Unix timestamp or later. (default: 0)No
allBy default we return an array of TX IDs where you are the seller for use with get_tx_info_multi or get_tx_info. If all is set to 1 returns an array with TX IDs and whether you are the seller or buyer for the payment.No

API Response

A successful call to the 'get_tx_ids' command will give you a result similar to this (JSON):
	- Example Unavailable -